Auto PR
Auto PR works by leveraging your commit history and OpenAi to summarize work done on your feature branch. The more clear and your commit messages are the more accurate the generated response will be.
Vexal is not designed to compare code or automate commits. Instead, it empowers you, the developer, to stay fully aware of the why behind every change in your codebase.
If succesfull, Auto PR will automatically open the PR in your browser! 🚀
Before you begin make sure you obtain github and OpenAI access tokens.
Github Access Tokens »
OpenAi »
Within your repository directory and working branch:
Submit a PR to the main branch
vx pr
main is the default branch vx will submit a PR to. If you want to sbmit a PR to a different branch use the -b flag followed by the name of your remote branch.
Submit a PR to branch dev
vx pr -b dev
PR Templates
If your repository uses a PR template within ./github/ Vexal is designed to automatically read in your PR template and will use it to generate your PR.